- Bøker
Going with the floe
- 298 kr
- For centuries, ships that became trapped in the Arctic sea ice faced almost certain destruction. This book tells the story of when the Lance, the Norwegian Polar Institute's research vessel, was deliberately frozen into the sea ice at 83° northern latitude. She served as a platform for scientist investigating conditions in one of the regions of the planet most dramatically…
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- Kart, Utenfor serie
- 149 kr
- Kart over Nord-Jan i målestokk 1:50.000.
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- Kart, Utenfor serie
- 149 kr
- Kart over Sør-Jan (Jan Mayen) i målestokk 1:50.000.
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- Kart
Adventdalen (S100)-C9
- 149 kr
- Topografisk kart over Adventdalen i målestokk 1:100 000.
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